you know when you go to a grocery store
and walk around out back?
you'll always see someone
on their smoke break
just eating a banana, exhausted.
grocery stores are so much
How many days
until march 30th?
Who was your tallest
What's a good wage
for your babysitter?
I took this late-night class in university,
and the prof was always tired.
he said that a hard part of being an scientist,
is that nobody ever tells you
what not to study
that some subjects just eat-up your career,
and nobody tells you that.
some say that
composing music
is like cutting your own hair -
that anybody can
make notes
or use scissors
but the hard part is knowing when to stop.
have a
How many sandwiches
did you eat last year?
How many words
did you say yesterday?
- an all-hands meeting at Google 24 years ago
the software world was meant to
click into place
I always thought this would happen.
it never did.
and we've been trying now for a good while.
1st career
2nd career
3rd career
my parents
(like most)
love their iPads -
i write software for a living.
they still give me this look
like -
you sat at the computer
all day?
why isn't it ... done?
Construction Workers
Software developers
in the mid-70s it was
Unix program design
all information streaming as text-
a universal format, for concatenating programs
in the mid-90s
object orientation
was the way to avoid inscrutible dark-magic
all the constant ad-hoc formats
resembling ordered programs, working together.
in the mid-200s the
semantic web
let any data
without software glue.
enabling unplanned cooperation
between datasets.
There is this one moment in the history of software
that I cannot believe actually happened.
I wish it would be made into a movie.
At Google in 2001, frustrated with a lack of progress,
Larry Page
fired all the managers
in the entire company.
on one day. no warning.
it really happened
he wanted to
'let the engineers engineer!'
I won't spoil the ending.
google is such an untold story.
it's all an untold story, actually.
this project, by Jaco Joubert
in 2020:
he wanted to calculate the vacancy rate in condos in Toronto,
so he timelapsed a camera to monitor light-level changes.
he was the first person to get
information, in a long political debate.
no one else was
using any information
or consider this project, by
who logged the length of their thesis each night in an excel spreadsheet.
which is inspiring and sort of profound.
but, isn't that information already there somewhere?
why is the computer
hiding it?
why is this graph hard at all?
the software world is not working.
something is broken inside of it.
it may be that, like
goth music
software was an exciting thing that we did for a while
then it ran to it's natural end.
and we stopped doing it.
because it
dried up
nobody made
'born to run'
in the 16th century -
cuz ..
people weren't .. in that place yet?
being young and free
was something people cared for -
so the album got made then
and not by a talented composer in the 16th century.
that's software -
we are the talented composer in the 16th century
there's just something that
won't go
and when you look why not,
it's just vague
like how
grocery stores
could have no employees today.
and we're all
trying to create jobs
we are not people that
want software to work
- we prefer it half-working.
today, when people talk about
making decisions with data
it sounds cool, but
.. do you mean like, a spreadsheet?
- cool, can you send me it?
or when people
make an official statement
- like Michael Scott
'declaring backruptcy'
you mean ...
you told somebody?
in sci-fi, there's the
starship problem
- if you are launching a spaceship to another star, you should
because a spaceship in a couple years will be better and just pass it.
Computer software did not work.
It was a large, monumental society-level effort.
All serious people got involved.
All levels of government.
Almost every stanford grad.
Everyone got exasperated.
after a few beers,
everyone will admit it doesn't really work
we tried.
Computer knowledge done properly will be our
first knowledge
when software is working, we will not need more of it.
software is not working for a complex reason.
it's not anyone's fault
it's a hard thing to describe.
see also:
A Supercut of Supercuts
- Max Tohline
The Web's Grain
- frank chimero
Life in Code
- ellen ullman
General Magic
- sad documentary